Friday, October 3, 2008

The History of P Sisters [Part I] : A Sart of Something New.

It was way back a few years ago. When Pipi went to her friend's house, Christy, for a nice swim. Pipi and Christy we're swimming nicely and they we're screaming each others name out loud.
Then to a surprise, Pupu happened to be swimming too, and she called our names out (as she heard Pi and Christy screaming each others name). Eventually, they became friends. After a while, with the help of Friendster and Billy's Friendster profile, Pi manage to get Pu's email, and added her.
To Pi's surprise, Pu still remembers her! So they start talking and chatting and laughing all the way on MSN.

Few years after was High School year for Pi. As it was the first year and first day of High School, Pi don’t really know anyone except her primary schoolmates who went to the same High School. Not long after that, Pi saw someone she recognizes. Someone, familiar, as if Pi knows that person somehow. Oh! What a surprise, it was Pu!
Pi went over and said, hi! But there was no relpy from Pu. Pi thought Pu did not realize she said hi, because Pu has got some eye problem. Okay never mind. Then it was second attempt for Pi to say hi again the very next day in the school canteen. Sadly, failure attempt =(

So there was this cheeky and a lil bit nosy classmate of Pi, who happens to know Pu from their tuition centre. Her name is Siti. Siti was wondering whether Pi knows Pu, so Siti decided to ask Pi. But Pi said, "Pupu is sombong (Read: Snobbish) because she never responded to me when I say hi" So Siti was being nice, to help Pi out, to tell Pu. But Instead, Pu got the wrong message. Instead of Siti telling Pu what exactly Pi said, Siti said, Siti told Pu that Pi was backstabbing Pu, and she claims that Pipi told her friends that Siti was bitchy. Siti did not just told Pu, she nearly told everyone else, and people start hating and avoiding Pi.
That was when Pi finally knew the whole truth. Pi did not backstab Pu, and Pu did not call Pi a bitch. It was all a set up. A big lie made by an unpleasant lady. Or in other words, Bitch.

Soon, everyone else who hated Pi, make peace with Pi, and to Pi's surprise, they even like Pi! One fine day, Pi was invited to join a group, of friends called Ice-Creamians. In the Ice-Creamians family, Pi was placed as Ji Mi's daughter. Happens to be Pu was also Ji Mi's daughter. And they start going outings together, shopping, cam-whoring and stuff.

Sooner, people say, the Pipi and Pupu look a like, and people keep asking whether we're they both twins? Thats when, they became twins. The P sisters agree on everything together, they have the same way of thinking and making choices. Even when it comes to ways of dressing up.

With Loves, Hugs and Kisses ;

Pipi and Pupu.

[ P/s : Wanna know what happened to Ice-Creamians?
Stay tuned for Part II! ]


--BluEpaNDa-- said...

wheee~~ here I left some comments for you(both)? wheee~~~~

Pipu said...

We very much appriciate it Blue Panda :) Do visit our blog as often as you can.


Pipu said...

We very much appriciate it Blue Panda :) Do visit our blog as often as you can.


--BluEpaNDa-- said...

welcome welcome~ sure I'll visit often. any update please inform me ya~ xD I waiting for the History of P Sisters Part II - the fall of the Ice-Creamians. wheee~~

No Loves,

OH!! Today's underwear is also blue~ xD