Friday, July 31, 2009
Good Day Sunshine.
I love the laptop's webcam. It takes the funniest photos of me, and I'll be bursting out my hysterical laughter. Since it's so hilarious (and no doubt Ugly), I shall share my uglidity to everyone.
Denise XD Damn cute wei.
This is me about less than 20 minutes ago
This is me before I left the house
This is me few weeks ago

Pupu: I woke up and........

I feel like peeing. xD
and again, I'm lazy to move my butt out of the room.
Typical friday, Should I go to the gym like every other fridays or should I jog around B.A
and still I miss McD.
The taste of awesome french fries,
Hot Hot fresh fries
When u bite~ it's like chrispy yet soft mmmmmmmmmmmm
the taste of fresh potato!!
awesome food are fattening.
Pipi's in school.
While I'm lazying around here.
She's going OldTown later.
again. Awesome Foooooood!
Homaigod the Toast with awesome butter that melts in your mouth
PC fair today,
You know what, I've never been to any before,
Only heard of it and My bro is the only one who goes to PC fair all the time heh.
Apparently he's in US.
and It was his birthday yesterday.
When I wished him
Me: Happy Birthday!!
Him: What you want?
Dey...I'm just wishing you happy birthday what TT
Don't have to be so mean. Huhu
Thursday, July 30, 2009
I'm sort of back.
Hello everyone. I've been absent for long; hence, MJ's blogpost spams. LOL. And incase you haven't notice the awsome fact that Pupu edited the whole blog layout, and all I did was commented on stuff and sleep almost the whole day.
Let me go through one by one. I wasn't feeling well since the first day of exam, which was on Tuesday. My mother passed down her sore-itchy-and-pain throat to me, and hell I was feeling soooo depressed about it. The day before, I had an epic flu, which made me sneeze until I cry, and I nearly used half a box of tissue on blowing my nose. I guess the flu part was passed down by Wai Min. Oh, even while halfway doing Geography, I was in desperate need for tissue. Since I can't scream out loud I wanted a tissue, I had to ask the teacher, sadly she didnt. So, I had to rush to the loo and Um.. well, I'll keep whatever I did to myself :-P
But I'm feeling slightly better now, since I'm on pink Antibiotics and panadols.
Exams exams. The first second days was not that bad. Good actually. But the last day, which wuz today, I guess it pretty sucked since I didn't manage to study (wasn't feeling well, duh). But at the end of the day, everything turned out well. But I miss my original seating position. I'm sitting at the most front, and worst, my table is exactly in front of the teacher's table! How horrible is that? Uggh.
But anyways, to celebrate the end up UP2, Waimin, Christer, Stanley and I are going to Old Town, Ampang tomorrow. Yay.

So, the reason for my lack of updates is because well, I have nothing much to talk about. If I did, I'd be bitching about people, bombing them and stuffs, which actually bores people already. No topic to talk about too.
But I've written so many post, only I didn't publish it. Because I didn't feel like writing it out since I have most of the school people reading ze blog. Not nais lah if I keep bitching about people kan kan kan? :-)
And everyone, say something nice about MJ's hard work and sweat for the awzum layout. She deserves it after one whole day doing it. hehehe what a way to end the exams lah, Mei? But very nais (y)
Let me go through one by one. I wasn't feeling well since the first day of exam, which was on Tuesday. My mother passed down her sore-itchy-and-pain throat to me, and hell I was feeling soooo depressed about it. The day before, I had an epic flu, which made me sneeze until I cry, and I nearly used half a box of tissue on blowing my nose. I guess the flu part was passed down by Wai Min. Oh, even while halfway doing Geography, I was in desperate need for tissue. Since I can't scream out loud I wanted a tissue, I had to ask the teacher, sadly she didnt. So, I had to rush to the loo and Um.. well, I'll keep whatever I did to myself :-P
But I'm feeling slightly better now, since I'm on pink Antibiotics and panadols.
Exams exams. The first second days was not that bad. Good actually. But the last day, which wuz today, I guess it pretty sucked since I didn't manage to study (wasn't feeling well, duh). But at the end of the day, everything turned out well. But I miss my original seating position. I'm sitting at the most front, and worst, my table is exactly in front of the teacher's table! How horrible is that? Uggh.
But anyways, to celebrate the end up UP2, Waimin, Christer, Stanley and I are going to Old Town, Ampang tomorrow. Yay.

So, the reason for my lack of updates is because well, I have nothing much to talk about. If I did, I'd be bitching about people, bombing them and stuffs, which actually bores people already. No topic to talk about too.
But I've written so many post, only I didn't publish it. Because I didn't feel like writing it out since I have most of the school people reading ze blog. Not nais lah if I keep bitching about people kan kan kan? :-)
And everyone, say something nice about MJ's hard work and sweat for the awzum layout. She deserves it after one whole day doing it. hehehe what a way to end the exams lah, Mei? But very nais (y)
Pupu: Finally
YES! The new layout's done! Took me hours n hours n hours to get it done!
Exam's over!
Results..Oh the horror.
Anyway, hope u guys like the layout
Seriously, took me like dem long to finish so @_@
I came home from school today and terus start doing the layout ♥
I hope Elle likes it too :)
Notice the searc bar on top?
It's avaible for u to search our posts. Not googling LOL.
I really like the flower ;P
Genuis of me to use it as search button HEH!.
Skipping school tomorrow.
Pipi's trial's coming soon. Wish her the best of luck muahhh!
While my camp had been moved to
12th,13th and 14th of August.
Anyone know when's the Holiday?
I can't wait!!
Seriously, Must go.OUT.
I wanna Ice-Skate :)
the cube of rubiks is addictive.
Gotta improve my finger movements. :p
And also currently,
trying to make new patterns.
Signing off~!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Pupu: Luck - o - Meter
Not so lucky today
I feel like stabbing myself with a big gigantic knife/Shooting my head with a pistol.
Pupu: Tutorial (My way)
Hey Hooo~ I just made this for fun hehe. Basicly, my way of drawing is kinda different laa..
So enjoy yeaa~ Leave comment ;)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Pupu: Marathon
When I was in primary school, I was damn atheletic.
I joined almost everything haha.
Mostly running though
Then when I enter high school
form1 I was still semangat.
Then form 2 I got really lazy and started gaining weight and all those.
Then recently,
I go to the gym every friday
and then my mum told me, hey got marathon in Bukit Antarabangsa, Wanna join?
So I said, why not?
for the sake of losing weight :p
Which was yesterday. The marathon.
7km Kinda short la. I mean for a marathon.
usually it would be like 25km blablabla.
But It was kinda fun, even though i was alone.
I mean I went alone.
and no hot guys.~_~
I didnt bring anything to the marathon, So..sorry no pictures.
But I did camwhore when I came home.
My fake Adidas ;) and my sweaty ugly hair.
Not to mention It was kinda tiring, not because of the distance
but because of the slopes everywhere
It's so friggin steep.

Group B 054 x)
Yes, I stole that number thing for memory heh.
Not to Mention they actually give T shirts.
and sadly they ran out of my size.T_T
Date:25th October 2009 (Sunday)
Venue: Stadium UPM, University Putra Malaysia, Serdang
Time:7 30 A.M.
Entry Fees: RM 35
Distance: 10km
A. Men Open (Age 13 above)
B. Men Veteran (Age 40 - 50)
C. Men senior Veteran (51 above)
D. Women Open (Age 13 above)
E. Women Veteran (Age 35 - 45)
F. Women Senior Veteran (46 and above)
Lai Lai~ Jom join, I'm Joining :D
Dear Meiji
Incase you don't know (well duh, coz you can't see), I'm crying now. Tears of joy, because you finally blogged. I feel so proud of my baby she finally moved her fingers and update this blog.
hahaha ok enough with sarcasms (Ay Justin, I'm fat too. Come on tell me I look skinny too! hahahaha kidding wtf)
hahaha ok enough with sarcasms (Ay Justin, I'm fat too. Come on tell me I look skinny too! hahahaha kidding wtf)
Pupu: I miss the taste of Good food.
I miss Mc Donald's French Fries
and I miss the taste of Pasta and Pizza.
Pupu: Helloooo~~

Chong Hwa Independent Charity Dinner
Yehhhh, I remember that!!
It was elle first time to Chong Hwa independent and fell in love with that school.
Who wouldn't?
I mean it's huge.
It has two huge Canteen with awesome food
(yong tofu etc etc)
7 Basketball courts.
huge huge huge Dewan.
The only flaw is.
it's a Chinese School LOL.
So, I skipped school today :P
and blogging here while Pipi is studying in class x)
Exam's tmrw, but it's only up2.
I doubt people study for that exam, though I did a few last minute study heh.
recently my connection is like shit.
When I downloaded movie last time it took me only 4 hours.
Now it takes 2 days TT
But it's worth the wait.
I downloaded The invisible (2007) The remake one
and It was awesome
Basicly this Guy(Nick)
He orang kaya but then he lost his father when he was a kid.
The mother it's damn controlling, never bother about his interest.
Nick loves writting poems so he saved up his own money to curi curi further his studies in London without telling his mum.
Mean while his best friend (Pete) always kena bully by Anne
She orang gangster, family very poor one.
She sayang her little brother alot and they have family Issue.
Her dad divorsed Anne's mum and married a new wife,
Then the new wife useless one. She doesnt cook for them blablabla.
So Anne robbed a jwellery shop, with the help of her boyfriend(Marcus)
but then Anne dun wanna share the jwellery with Marcus
Then marcus got pissed off and call the cops.
Then the cops caught her, she she immediately thought it was Pete who told the cops.
Then she go hantam him.
Pete canot tahan her hantaming then He relunctantly said it was Nick who told the cops, Thinking that it would stop anne from bashing him, because he thought Nick was already in London.
But then with Epic fail Nick's mum found out about his plans so eventually he didnt go lor.
Then he was walking home from this party,
Anne and her gang ikuted him and bash Nick kaw kaw while Pete was watching with pain. ouch.
Anne and her Gang terbunuh Nick , and they went Oh Shit.
So she threw him in a dirty longkang in the forest.
and then next day, Suddenly Nick walked out from the forest, terus went to school,
and He noticed that people are ignoring him, So he threw this book at the shelf,
Then He looked back, the book was never moved and the shelf was still okay.
Then he tried to get the attention he realized that, he can affect nothing.
So then he was walking pass this hospital and there was this old man, he waved at him.
Nick was curious, why the old man can see him, then
He went up to cari the old man.
The old man said that, He can no longer be seen by anyone because He was killed.
Realizing that he himself now is is own soul, and He would have the chance to live again if he can solve his own death.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Pupu: After a long moment of being M.I.A
Don't blame me laa, I very malas to blog x) andnothingmuch. heh!
Thank god my wife rajin to blog if not this would be as dead as hell,
As I was reading the old posts. came to realize our blog were quite popular back then. o_o.
Now it's like......Elle malas to blog.
I'm malas to blog as well. xP
and our topics last time quite chun wey. Vainness
Speaking of which, I really wanna make a new blogskin but We dont have any recent pics of us as my wife is in her pmr year. Prolly year end laa that's the only time we have left, after that I;ve got my spm. and when im done she pulak got spm ~_~
and Obviously I have haters as it's shown on the CBOX. (your right ==>)
Some chick/dick that uh....tries to immitate us and stuffs.
But LOL, you should know that idc. idrc at all. haha.
Next up,
I want to say. God is amazing.(pipi knows why)
This issue, i shall post it in the private blog anytime soon.
xD I wanna go out heh!
Losing weight process.
Basicly, I don;t think ppl can tell, but i lost weight! heh!
but in an unhealthy way.
Last time i measured my weight in Bukit Jalil I was 52kgs.
then recent i went there, im 48.5,
Okay So, what I did recently (these few months)
I only eat one meal a day.
Last time my meal was one meal a day too but with awesome meals la.
But then now I eat watery porridge with eggs fish or tofu only.
I guess this is the fastest way , eating food with low calories and cholestrol.
and when im hungry I eat IKO biscuits.
Sugar free, hi fibre, no cholestrol, which basicly helps you poop.
but, it;s sugar free n no cholestrol so, no matter how much u eat it would still be okay.
and According to my bio book. Chapter 6: 'Nutrition.
Fibre makes u feel full, however we dont absorb the nutrients.
So, eating food with high fibre is the best way to go on a diet instead of straving yourself.
I'm actually satisfied with my size. but only, my upper body.
Im very unsatisfy with my lower body which is my thigh .
It;s huge fat n ugly. LOL
I think I understand how XX feels now huhu.
Not to mention, I;ve officially left Friendster (months ago)
and migrated to Facebook and it's veryyy addictive.
So here's a tagline :
What happened to looks don't matter?
I guess, Looks do matter after all.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Boo hoo. I tell you yesterday was a funny day.
I was tlaking to Mei on MSN, and she asked me out with her and Dinnish for a movie. I thought, hey why not? But the fishy thing is, when I asked her what movie, she went blank. But it didn't gave me a clue that Mei would me lying on me. Some husband. (Keep reading)
And then I was talking to Chocolate Boy on MSN, and he asked me whether I'm going out tomorrow (today).
Funny! Mei just asked me out.
So he went on telling me he was going out with Chan (vincent) and Dinnish.
WEIH? More funny. I thought Dinnish was suppose to go out with Mei and I?
So I asked mei whether Chan was following, but she said NO!
And I went blur and told Mei what ever CB said.
Suddenly, I was invited into a conversation, where Chan, Mei and CB was in. Chan and Mei went
"Oooh, our plan dieded. Thanks to CB."
"It's not my fault!! Blame CB."
Obviously I went, what plan what plan?
So, turns out that Mei, Chan and Dinnish had all this planned out. I was suppose to know that I'm going out with Mei and Dinnish - only. And CB was suppose to know that he's going out with Chan and Dinnish -only.
So, Mei, Dinnish and I were suppose to be at the movies, and the two other guys would "accidentally" bump into us. Oh, and we happen to be watching the same movie, same room, what else? LOL.
But anyways, thanks to CB, their plan FAILED. Wheeeeeeeee.
Thank you guys, but seriously, theres no need to set us up! LOL. Funny you people.
by the way, they planned the whole thing, in the end all tak jadi. LOL.
and to Muffin man and Nick, I pwomiseeeee! I'd take you guys out, hahaha.
I was tlaking to Mei on MSN, and she asked me out with her and Dinnish for a movie. I thought, hey why not? But the fishy thing is, when I asked her what movie, she went blank. But it didn't gave me a clue that Mei would me lying on me. Some husband. (Keep reading)
And then I was talking to Chocolate Boy on MSN, and he asked me whether I'm going out tomorrow (today).
Funny! Mei just asked me out.
So he went on telling me he was going out with Chan (vincent) and Dinnish.
WEIH? More funny. I thought Dinnish was suppose to go out with Mei and I?
So I asked mei whether Chan was following, but she said NO!
And I went blur and told Mei what ever CB said.
Suddenly, I was invited into a conversation, where Chan, Mei and CB was in. Chan and Mei went
"Oooh, our plan dieded. Thanks to CB."
"It's not my fault!! Blame CB."
Obviously I went, what plan what plan?
So, turns out that Mei, Chan and Dinnish had all this planned out. I was suppose to know that I'm going out with Mei and Dinnish - only. And CB was suppose to know that he's going out with Chan and Dinnish -only.
So, Mei, Dinnish and I were suppose to be at the movies, and the two other guys would "accidentally" bump into us. Oh, and we happen to be watching the same movie, same room, what else? LOL.
But anyways, thanks to CB, their plan FAILED. Wheeeeeeeee.
Thank you guys, but seriously, theres no need to set us up! LOL. Funny you people.
by the way, they planned the whole thing, in the end all tak jadi. LOL.
and to Muffin man and Nick, I pwomiseeeee! I'd take you guys out, hahaha.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Breaking news : Elle is going to DIE.
Touch Wood.
Whaaaa, happy la hor?
Anyways, today I went home a little bit earlier, due to the utmost painful stomach pain ever. No no, it wasn't period pain. if it was, I'd have took two panadols early morning, and taddaaaa. No pain!
But I think this time, someone was trying to poison me! Ok kidding.
But seriously -_- it was so pain I can barely stand up properly. I went home, quickly ate lunch and I went to take a dump. after that, I lied down on the sofa watching tv, nearly dozed off. Until I decided to go on facebook and tell the whole world about my tummy ache. And I was halfway talking to my neighbour, I needa go take a dump again. TWICE. after that I was back to normal. Phew.
Wonder what I ate. Only a few know, so Shhh :P
Whaaaa, happy la hor?
Anyways, today I went home a little bit earlier, due to the utmost painful stomach pain ever. No no, it wasn't period pain. if it was, I'd have took two panadols early morning, and taddaaaa. No pain!
But I think this time, someone was trying to poison me! Ok kidding.
But seriously -_- it was so pain I can barely stand up properly. I went home, quickly ate lunch and I went to take a dump. after that, I lied down on the sofa watching tv, nearly dozed off. Until I decided to go on facebook and tell the whole world about my tummy ache. And I was halfway talking to my neighbour, I needa go take a dump again. TWICE. after that I was back to normal. Phew.
Wonder what I ate. Only a few know, so Shhh :P
○Anastasia Chong
Cheesie cheeserland◘Afiq
Celeb Bloggers
Wendy xiaxue
Robb Chew
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Tell me how it feels.
Imagine being seemingly scolded, accused, and yelled at? Especially if it's something you DID NOT DO.
I was accused for ;
- Not watching the Debate
- Making noise
- Not present during the final Debate round
- Walking around the school
- Used a teacher'a name for a fake permission.
All of them was UNTRUE. I was there during the prelim Debate and the finale. I wasn't making that much noise. We were in the canteen. Impossible my horrible laughter can be heard until the new block?! I wasn't walking around the school with no purposes. We had to look for teacher who needs help with the stuffs. And I did not use any teacher's name to FAKE any permissions!
And the best part, I was accused for everything! ME!
I had to deny everything and I had to prove myself right. I had to drag Waimin in the matter because I was with him! I was with Waimin and Stanley most of the time. Dinie was with Catholic High, and The rest was scattered around everywhere.
I still don't geddit! Why am I the only one blamed?! Why was my name, the only name that was brought up?! I'm not saying that she should blame my other team mates, but think about it. She simply accused me for God-knows what reason, maybe she hates me, I don't know! But it's so effing unfair that I was the one who had to (indirectly) receive all the blame (Waimin too), and I had to deny everything. And best, I had nothing to do with this!
Yesterday, Dinnish too, got some kao-kao screaming from the same person whom accused me. The best part, she did not gave Dinnish a chance to explain what was going on. Instead, she shut Dinnish off and yelled on top of her lungs, telling Dinnish and others to go back to class.
Come on, how evil can she get? First she screamed at Dinnish, second she made assumptions about Dinnish being a bolywood star flirting around (mind you, there was ONE girl and TWO other guys excluding Dinnish. So what, the other two guys, are GIRLS now? Funny.) Third and last, she did not even gave Dinnish any chance to explain!
And today, I was blamed, accused and yelled at for nothing. I'm a human, and I have feelings.
As a teacher, do plant some sense into you brain and minds. As an elder person, do look into the matter before simply accusing, blaming and yelling at someone. Even if you you feel pissed, at least listen to our side of the story instead of treating us like pile of shits. We don't deserve to be treated like this. And myself don't deserve to be accused, yelled and scold at. Waimin too, and Dinnish.
I was accused for ;
- Not watching the Debate
- Making noise
- Not present during the final Debate round
- Walking around the school
- Used a teacher'a name for a fake permission.
All of them was UNTRUE. I was there during the prelim Debate and the finale. I wasn't making that much noise. We were in the canteen. Impossible my horrible laughter can be heard until the new block?! I wasn't walking around the school with no purposes. We had to look for teacher who needs help with the stuffs. And I did not use any teacher's name to FAKE any permissions!
And the best part, I was accused for everything! ME!
I had to deny everything and I had to prove myself right. I had to drag Waimin in the matter because I was with him! I was with Waimin and Stanley most of the time. Dinie was with Catholic High, and The rest was scattered around everywhere.
I still don't geddit! Why am I the only one blamed?! Why was my name, the only name that was brought up?! I'm not saying that she should blame my other team mates, but think about it. She simply accused me for God-knows what reason, maybe she hates me, I don't know! But it's so effing unfair that I was the one who had to (indirectly) receive all the blame (Waimin too), and I had to deny everything. And best, I had nothing to do with this!
Yesterday, Dinnish too, got some kao-kao screaming from the same person whom accused me. The best part, she did not gave Dinnish a chance to explain what was going on. Instead, she shut Dinnish off and yelled on top of her lungs, telling Dinnish and others to go back to class.
Come on, how evil can she get? First she screamed at Dinnish, second she made assumptions about Dinnish being a bolywood star flirting around (mind you, there was ONE girl and TWO other guys excluding Dinnish. So what, the other two guys, are GIRLS now? Funny.) Third and last, she did not even gave Dinnish any chance to explain!
And today, I was blamed, accused and yelled at for nothing. I'm a human, and I have feelings.
As a teacher, do plant some sense into you brain and minds. As an elder person, do look into the matter before simply accusing, blaming and yelling at someone. Even if you you feel pissed, at least listen to our side of the story instead of treating us like pile of shits. We don't deserve to be treated like this. And myself don't deserve to be accused, yelled and scold at. Waimin too, and Dinnish.
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